Friday, November 8, 2013

7-12August, 2013: The Boy's Vacation - Hunter Bay,

Weather:  Sunny and warm.  Winds:  Not important.  Seas:  Calm.

I've often thought of Strider, or any boat, as a cottage that moves.  Like a cottage, one can play on the water.  Unlike a cottage, if one gets tired of the view or the neighbors, one can move!  With cottage in mind, we played and relaxed and fished and crabbed and clammed and finished a bottle or two.

Wednesday:  Arrived and had a pleasant evening to include limpet pasta dish...fruiti di mare?  Not really, not enough sea variety.  Perhaps fruito di mare would be more appropriate.

Thursday:  Woke and deployed two crab traps with turkey legs as bait.  One where everyone else had placed theirs and the other in a previously successful spot.  After relaxing a bit, took the dinghy to the south shore of Mud Bay and clammed.  Found a sweet spot and dug a couple dozen, including a few large ones.  Kept them in the bucket with corn meal.

Returning to Strider, relaxed.  Towards evening, checked the crab traps and had our Dungeness limit!  Crab for dinner that night, reserving the two Red Rock for later.  Left the traps overnight.

Friday:  Crabs once again in the traps!  Cleaned the 4 big clams and had clam fritters for lunch.  More crabs in the afternoon!  Stocking up for later.  Made spaghetti al vongole for dinner, using the remaining small clams.

Saturday:  After checking the traps in the morning (a couple), made a crab frittata with hollandais sauce for breakfast using the reds.  Since the ladies were to arrive on Sunday, decided to take Strider into Skyline for hotel servicing.  Upon return, had crab for dinner!

Sunday:  Took Captain's Mast to Skyline, hotel servicing and picking up the ladies.  Deployed both crab traps in Burrows Bay on the way in.  Departing, picked up the traps, one was at the limit!  Crab for dinner and all, but for a bit of red, was consumed!  Apparently the ladies were ravenous....

Fishing:  Tried.  This is why it is called fishing and not catching....

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